Saturday, May 30, 2009

One IS the loneliest number.

I'm truly beginning to hate weekends.

Until very recently I was unemployed, it made all the days blend together, and it made no difference whether it was Monday or Saturday. I've now had a full-time job for 2 weeks and I'm officially part of those who's "working for the weekend." (Let the song references flow!) I'm pretty happy at my job, it keeps me very busy while I'm there and I have a whole new group of people with whom to interact. The problem comes in that once the weekend shows up I'm in the exact same place I was before.

Living where I do has dramatically reduced my social circle. All but 2 of my really good friends live a minimum of 4 hours away. And now that I'm single I don't even have a girlfriend that I can lavish untold amounts of attention on.

I'm beginning to remember why I hate being single.

I'm not going to rush out and date the first person I meet that seems willing, but this situation is grating on my nerves. I miss all the great things about being in a relationship, and I've grown quite tired of having no one to share my time with. I have, what I feel to be, great ideas on how to spend my now free weekends, and I even have some money coming in that I could spend on said weekends. But I'm not in a position where I want to take off for a weekend retreat by myself. Go figure.

At the risk of sounding childish: This sucks... hardcore.